
Sahel Countries Set to Receive Record Amounts in Aid

The countries of the Sahel region are set to receive unprecedented levels of aid to help them overcome poverty and…

11 years ago

Absalon Project: Sustainable Funding for African Housing

Sub-Sahara Africa has experienced strong economic growth and has developed a more stable political environment over the past twenty years.…

11 years ago

Sampension: PPP as a Way Forward for a Modern Welfare System

Public Private Partnerships (PPP) can be defined as a long-term contract between the public authority and a private partner. In…

11 years ago

Involving Communities to Create Human Networks

Leadership Initiative for Transformation and Empowerment (LITE-Africa) Community Engagement    The Leadership Initiative for Transformation and Empowerment (LITE-Africa), is a…

11 years ago

Why an Expo 2020 Win Will Not Determine the Strength of Dubai’s Property Market

By Mat Green, Head of Research & Consultancy UAE, CBRE Middle East Property markets around the world have proven to…

11 years ago

Cityscape Global 2013: Dubai Property Boom Set to Resume

After the clobbering it received during the Great Recession, the Dubai real estate market is now fully set to surge…

11 years ago

Experts Debate Dubai’s Post-Recession Property Boom – Another Bubble or Sustained Recovery?

More than 750 senior real estate professionals prepped for Global Real Estate Summit and MENA Mortgage and Affordable Housing Congress…

11 years ago

Angola: Powering A Booming Economy with Renewables

Alternative, renewable energy is not merely an afterthought in oil-rich Angola as the country seeks to diversify its booming economy.…

11 years ago

Small Egypt Farmers Catch the Eye of Agribusiness: IFAD Finds Key to Success

Twenty-odd years ago, groups of dispossessed farmers and unemployed youth were resettled on smallholdings in Upper Egypt. Authorities told the…

12 years ago

IFC – International Finance Corporation: Eliminating Poverty, One Loan at a Time

The famed Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto has said it all along: The world’s destitute are oftentimes somewhat less poor…

12 years ago