North America

Otaviano Canuto, World Bank Group: Fiscal Policy Redux

As part of their response to negative shocks coming from advanced economies after the Lehman Brothers' collapse in 2008, most…

12 years ago

SABIC’s Collaboration with MIT

The Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) has signed an initial agreement with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United…

12 years ago

Sally Blount: A Social Psychologist’s Touch

Prof. Sally Blount is the dean of Kellogg School of Management. Kellogg is very much seen as a competitor to…

12 years ago

Saudi Aramco PhD Student Wins MIT Research Award

Zeid Al Ghareeb, a Saudi Aramco sponsored student pursuing a Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology…

12 years ago

IMF: Anything that Works to Create Jobs

A broad mix of policies is needed to help put the global economy on a sustained and balanced growth path,…

12 years ago

IMF: The Risk Side of Exceptionally Low Interest Rates

Several years of exceptionally low interest rates and bond buying by some advanced economy central banks have improved some indicators…

12 years ago

Countdown to the 2013 Global Diaspora Forum

Following the unparalleled momentum and success of the 2011 and 2012 conferences, the third annual Global Diaspora Forum (GDF) is truly…

12 years ago

Michelle Obama: A Debt of Gratitude

The 2012 speech by Michelle Obama at the Democratic National Convention in support of her husband was undeniably brilliant and…

12 years ago

International Chamber of Commerce: G20 Openness Could Improve

Presenting pre-findings of an ICC Open Markets Index at an international business dialogue in Paris on March 4th, ICC Chairman…

12 years ago

The International Financial Institutions: Collaboration for Development and Growth

Leaders of the African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the…

12 years ago