North America

Tobias Preis: Beating the Stock Market with Google’s Big Data

Google your way to riches: It can be done and Tobias Preis has proved it. Search query data on publically…

11 years ago

Perry Chen: Unleashing the Power of Collective Funding, Getting Bright Ideas to Fruition

In the spring of 1885, publisher Joseph Pulitzer launched a fundraising campaign in his newspaper New York World to raise…

11 years ago

Deficits Matter, but Not the Way You Might Think

By Bob Veres. This originally appeared on Advisor Perspectives. Congress is coming off of a bruising debate over the deficit ceiling…

11 years ago

A Crowded Room with Barry Sternlicht and Kent Swig: New Financing for Real Estate

By David Drake Crowdfunding is taking real estate financing by surprise and the big players are taking notice. When Joe…

11 years ago

USAID: Science and Engineering Diaspora Networks – Communities Mobilizing to Solve Global Development Challenges

In a research lab at the University of Buffalo (UB), New York, scientist Sarbajit Banerjee and his colleagues have honed…

11 years ago

BlackRock: Bridging the Gap – The Rise of Infra Funds in Privately Financed Infrastructure

By BlackRock Infrastructure Debt Team In the wake of the global recession, privately-financed infrastructure has become a hot topic for…

11 years ago

UN: Towards a Rights-based Approach to Migration

The General Assembly High-level Dialogue on Migration and Development opened on Thursday 3rd October in New York with a call…

11 years ago

The World Bank: Calling for an End to Poverty

With more than a billion people in the world living on less than $1.25 per day, World Bank Group President…

11 years ago

What Really Spurred the Great Recession?

Based on the research of Ravi Jagannathan, Mudit Kapoor and Ernst Schaumburg Globalization and the U.S. dollar are as much…

11 years ago

World Bank Initiative for a Low Carbon Future

The World Bank has announced a new Low-Carbon Liveable Cities (LC2) Initiative to support developing country cities around the world…

11 years ago