The General Assembly formally received an expert report on August 19, 2014 setting out options that can be weighed by…
Some analysts have predicted that the commodity price boom has played itself out. However, natural resource-based commodity prices (with the…
George Delaportas is writing a new language and needs four years of research, and about EUR 80,000, to compile its…
The World Bank Group has committed $5 billion in new technical and financial support for energy projects in six African countries…
It could have been conceived a bit more thoughtfully, but as a project the European common currency is not altogether…
Australia is simply not big enough for Rupert Murdoch, though the country did give him his first break into publishing…
She’s none too serious, loves joking around and utterly fails to get the point of forced sex. Meet Magatte Wade,…
Introduction The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) is one of the cornerstones of EU financial services law setting out…
The recovery from the Great Recession has been slow and arduous, and has at times threatened to derail altogether. However,…
George Ryan is a hero tainted by scandal. As governor of Illinois, Mr Ryan followed in the wake of two…