North America

Tech, Trust, and Women’s Role in Creating the Future

Cecilia Harvey’s jaw-dropping career was launched by a chance careers-day visit to Wall Street. Today, she is a woman on…

4 years ago

Markets Move in Anticipation of Boom Times

Yesterday, equity markets the world over went near-ballistic on the news that an effective vaccine had been developed to tame…

4 years ago

Trumpism 2.0: Message to Survive Delivery Malfunction

A disconnect between the medium and Trump's message deprived the incumbent President of a second term in office. However, seventy…

4 years ago

The Book That Trump Rewrote

The lesson learnt from the 2020 US election is that 2016 was not a fluke. The surprise triumph of Donald…

4 years ago

Oops, He Did It Again?

Oops, he did it again. The choir of commentators that almost unanimously predicted a Biden landslide has been caught singing…

4 years ago

US Investment Analysts Have Moved On from Trump

Wall Street doesn’t believe in miracles. In anticipation of a ‘blue wave’, US investors pushed the blue-chip S&P 500 up…

4 years ago

Corporate America Weighing Its Options, Drifting Towards Biden

It’s the elephant in the room, quite literally, that most CEOs would prefer to quietly sulk in the far corner…

4 years ago

Evan Harvey, Nasdaq: The Board Perspective on ESG

Sustainability is a moving target. Though we might want uniformity, unanimity, and harmonisation — of standards, disclosures, and data points…

4 years ago

Toronto Finance International: Toronto Takes Its Place at the Head Table of North American Finance

Toronto is North America’s second-largest financial centre, and is fast becoming a destination of choice for companies looking to establish…

4 years ago

Gallatin Point Capital: Differentiated Capital via Industry Expertise and Bespoke Solutions

Private investment firm Gallatin Point Capital (GPC) was founded in 2017 with a primary focus: making opportunistic investments in financial…

4 years ago