Middle East

The International Financial Institutions: Collaboration for Development and Growth

Leaders of the African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the…

12 years ago

Corruption: Eating at the Fabric of Afghan Society

The total cost of corruption in Afghanistan has significantly increased over the past three years to $3.9 billion, according to…

12 years ago

Banque Misr Liban: Committed to Excellence in Service Poised for Strong and Sound Future Growth

A number of factors help Banque Misr Liban to stand out in Lebanon’s relatively crowded and competitive banking sector. It…

12 years ago

CFI.co Meets Dr. Naseer Shahir Homoud

Born in 1963 at Irbid, Jordan, Naseer Shahir Homoud is a multi-dimensional personality - primarily a real estate developer but…

12 years ago

Rethinking Economic Growth in Arab Societies

After decades of skewed development policies, social injustice, and poorly managed economic liberalization, Arab countries must rethink their growth strategies,…

12 years ago

CFI.co Meets Hisham Alrayes

Hisham Alrayes has been Acting Chief Executive Officer of Gulf Finance House since April 2012. He is responsible for overlooking…

12 years ago

Global FDI Recovery Stalls in 2012

Macroeconomic fragility and policy uncertainty for investors has led to an 18 per cent decline in global foreign direct investment…

12 years ago

IFC Study: Obstacles to Growth and Job Creation

A new study by IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, finds that much-needed jobs in developing countries can…

12 years ago

Unleashing the Economic Potential of the Maghreb – the Role of Foreign Investment

Excerpts of a speech given by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund at a conference in Mauritania in January,…

12 years ago

UN Downgrades Economic Forecasts for 2013/14

World economic growth has weakened considerably during 2012 and is expected to remain subdued in the coming two years, according…

12 years ago