Special Features

World Bank: How to Accelerate Growth and Progress in Developing Economies

Amid a barrage of shocks during the past four years, the global economy has proved to be surprisingly resilient. Major…

1 year ago

OECD: The Funding Models of Development Finance Institutions

The drum beat of reform is increasing for the development system and particularly for the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs). While…

1 year ago

World Bank: The Digitalisation of Capital Markets Can Boost Bond Market Efficiencies

Since its creation in 1944, the World Bank has issued bonds to raise funds from private investors that have mobilised…

1 year ago

World Bank MD and CFO Anshula Kant: Financing Where It Matters Most

Financing Where It Matters Most — People, The Planet, and the Role of Investors Amid overlapping crisis facing the world,…

2 years ago

Paul Horrocks, OECD: Risk, Return, Impact – SDG Aims Need a Shift of Focus

Russia’s war on Ukraine and interruption of global food supplies has put greater pressure on the development system. Development finance…

3 years ago

OECD: Only Scale and Development Impact Will Help Us Reach the SDG Mountain Summit

The development community is used to responding to crises but current events, not least COVID-19, have put the SDGs further…

3 years ago

OECD: Plugging the SDG Financing Gap

Ensuring Blended Finance can mobilise private finance, particularly in the Least Developed Countries and towards Social Sectors, will require a…

3 years ago

Interview with Alexis Lecanuet, Accenture Middle East: Creating Value Through Continuous Transformation

How has your professional journey qualified and prepared you for being the Middle East Region MD for Accenture? As a…

3 years ago

António Guterres: SDG Champion

“The global coronavirus pandemic, which has already caused unimaginable devastation and hardship, has brought our way of life to an…

4 years ago

Q&A with IBM’s Bashar Kilani: Need for New Skills Emerging as We Re-Imagine and Transition to the New Normal

Bashar Kilani oversees IBM business in the Gulf countries and the Levant, working with clients and partners across industries. In…

5 years ago