Coco Chanel once said, “Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.” She also noted: “Some people think luxury…
“Monroe is more than a sex symbol in new film”, one headlined review of Blonde declares. That must be why…
Song, civil disobedience, heartache, sympathy for the oppressed: Aretha Franklin singer gave her all for her beliefs and her people.…
As well as health benefits — although not in the way the Victorians prescribed — Britain’s coast has provided sartorial…
Football hooliganism, aka ‘the English Disease’, is endemic around the world. So, is a single country to blame? Tony Lennox…
French billionaire Bernard Arnault’s off-beat approach to business would be hard to replicate By KITTY WENHAM It started with one…
By TONY LENNOX When the famously private Spanish entrepreneur Amancio Ortega finally gave his consent to a biography, he had…
“If you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere…” — but just what does it take to make it…
Sardinia’s Costa Smeralda, created in the 1960s, has become a Mediterranean destination known for well-appointed residences, luxury hotels, and exclusive…
Recent years have been difficult across countries and industries, but Groupe ADP leader Augustin de Romanet sees a bright future…