
IDB Approves US$ 617 Million in Development Funding

The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) recently approved US$ 617 million towards funding development projects including  important projects in the areas…

12 years ago

China: The Big Spenders

Thanks to rapid urbanization and rising disposable incomes in their country, Chinese tourists spent $102 billion during their travels in…

12 years ago

IMF Statement on Cyprus

Statement on Cyprus by Olli Rehn, European Commission Vice-President and Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. The…

12 years ago

WTO: China’s Role in Global Economic Governance

By WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy Extracts from his Speech delivered at the China Development Forum in Beijing, 24 March 2013…

12 years ago

UNCTAD on Emerging Markets FDI Trends

Foreign direct investment (FDI) going into and out of the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa…

12 years ago

Arab Countries In Transition: Where are they Heading?

By Masood Ahmed Director of the IMF’s Middle East and Central Asia Department "You can tell whether a man is…

12 years ago

Pinpointing the Value in CSR

By Thomas Lys, James Naughton and Clare Wang The Unexpected Link between CSR Spending and Financial Performance Proponents of corporate…

12 years ago

Financial Stability in the European Union: IMF Assessment

In its first ever European Union-wide assessment of the soundness and stability of the financial sector, the International Monetary Fund…

12 years ago

The International Financial Institutions: Collaboration for Development and Growth

Leaders of the African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the…

12 years ago

WTO Reaches Out to the Business Community

At an event held  for the business community at the WTO headquarters on 21 February 2013, the organisation announced the…

12 years ago