By Christoph Greil, PhD student of public international law at the University of Vienna. A call for a more social…
Though the past made him a rich man, Evangelos Marinakis now wants to break with it. Elected councilman in Piraeus,…
Brazil’s macroeconomic management faces four major immediate challenges. The response to them will be strengthened if economic agents could have…
The World Bank is helping Poland design a new system called the “Robin Hood” tax system. In the first quarter…
Mark Zandy is worried that Greece may yet prove the undoing of the euro as the country prepares for elections.…
To stabilize warming at less than 2 degrees Celsius, as the international community agreed in 2009, the world will have…
The main objective of Accountancy Development for Results (ADR) is to raise awareness among leaders of the accountancy profession of…
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved a two-loan package today totaling US$1.4 billion to strengthen economic growth with…
Global economic growth is forecast to continue increasing over the next two years, the United Nations reported today, despite legacies…
UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 2014 shows that developing and transition economies run large trade surpluses for merchandise and services trade.…