
DeVere Group: Decisive Move Into Private and Investment Banking

One of the world’s largest financial consultancy services providers has moved into banking. Late last year, deVere Group acquired the…

8 years ago

Evan Harvey, Nasdaq: A Short-Term Look at Long-Term Growth – The Expert Outlook on 2017

Given the rapidly changing state of our global economic and political picture, it can be daunting to integrate sustainability strategies…

8 years ago

Otaviano Canuto, World Bank: Global Imbalances on the Rise

Discussions around large current account imbalances among systemically relevant economies as a direct threat to the stability of the global…

8 years ago

Davos: Growing Awareness of Growing Unease

William F Browder of Hermitage Capital Management has been a Davos regular for over twenty years, unfailingly embarking every January…

8 years ago

Gavin Wilson, CEO IFC AMC: Mobilising Private Capital for Sustainable Development

Building and upgrading the infrastructure to underpin sustainable development in emerging markets and elsewhere requires additional investments estimated at around…

8 years ago

IFC: Addressing Climate Change Can Unlock $23 Trillion-Dollar Investment Opportunities in Emerging Markets

By Christian Grossmann and Thomas Kerr The historic Paris climate change agreement entered into force in record speed last November,…

8 years ago

OECD: 21st Century Trade Agreements & Regulatory Coherence

By Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås In the past, services markets were largely local and countries mostly worked out their regulation without…

8 years ago

Otaviano Canuto, World Bank: What’s Ailing the Brazilian Economy?

Brazil’s GDP is poised to decline by close to 7% in 2015-2016. Per capita GDP in 2016 is likely to…

8 years ago

World Bank Group: Development Finance Frontline – Strategic Investment Funds

This is the first of a series of occasional interviews with senior strategic investment fund (SIF) professionals. Tasked with attracting…

8 years ago

Venezuela: As the Economy Sinks, Bond Markets Take Heart

The country may be unable to buy food or medicine; Venezuela continues to meet with clockwork precision all its obligations…

8 years ago