
Global Banking Alliance for Women – GBA: Banking the Female Economy

Inez Murray is the CEO of the Global Banking Alliance for Women, a global consortium of financial institutions driving women’s…

11 years ago

Otaviano Canuto, World Bank Group: Walking on the Wild Side – Monetary Policy and Prudential Regulation

Global financial integration and the linkages between the financial and the real sides of economies are sources of huge policy…

11 years ago

Grant Thornton: Islamic Finance – What’s In It For Me?

Grant Thornton United Arab Emirates (UAE) Audit Partner, Khurram Bhatti talks about the key aspects related to Islamic Finance. There…

11 years ago

Deficits Matter, but Not the Way You Might Think

By Bob Veres. This originally appeared on Advisor Perspectives. Congress is coming off of a bruising debate over the deficit ceiling…

11 years ago

Cyprus on the Mend?

By Delia Velculescu, IMF Mission Chief for Cyprus Speech given at the Economist Conference, Nicosia, November 25, 2013 Much has already…

11 years ago

Maha Al-Ghunaim: Enterprising Ladies – Investing in Future Entrepreneurs

Maha Al-Ghunaim is chairperson and managing director of Global Investment House (GIH) - one of the largest such operations in…

11 years ago

Siegmund Warburg: People and Passion First – Profits to Follow

These days, far too often loan applications for the funding of promising business ideas are rejected out of hand by…

11 years ago

Muhammad Yunus: Enabling the Poor to Rise and Prosper

Muhammad Yunus is a soft-spoken gentleman with a South Asian accent. When he speaks, presidents strain to listen. Being one…

11 years ago

European Investment Bank: “Vienna Initiative” Keeps Credit Flowing

International financial institutions have joined forces to help calm economic turbulence and avert a collapse in the provision of credit…

11 years ago

Shazia Bashir: Reaching Out with Integrity – Banking on Society

Contrary to popular perception, it is never quite easy for children of successful entrepreneurs to make their own mark in…

11 years ago