
Norwegian-African Business Association (NABA): Private Business as Educator – Bridging Africa’s Job-Skills Gap

In the wake of the global financial crisis, Africa’s sustained economic growth over the last decade has compelled the global…

11 years ago

Michael Joseph: Banking for the Masses Fuels Mobile Networks

M-Pesa, mobile money, is the lasting legacy of Michael Joseph’s decade-long term as CEO of Safaricom, the largest mobile network…

11 years ago

Chinua Achebe (1930-2013): A Great Tree Has Fallen

In the mid-20th century Africa was starting once more to find its own voice, having been gagged by centuries of…

11 years ago

World Bank: Helping Electrification Efforts in DRC

Sub-Saharan Africa is blessed with large hydropower resources that can bring electricity to homes, power businesses and industry, light clinics…

11 years ago

Volume of Investments Boosting the Real Estate Sector Reflected at Largest Ever Edition of Cityscape Egypt

Egypt’s leading international property event to Feature more than 100 Exhibitors. Cairo 24th of March 2014: This April will witness one…

11 years ago

WEF Recognises Young Global Leaders from Africa

The World Economic Forum announced last week the new members selected to join the Forum of Young Global Leaders. From…

11 years ago

The World Bank: Accelerating Africa’s Aspirations

As Sub-Saharan Africa develops rapidly, it is estimated that the continent will need millions of engineers just to reach a…

11 years ago

OPIC: Low Write-Offs in Emerging Markets Investments

What organization do you represent? Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the U.S. Government’s development finance institution. In your experience or view,…

11 years ago Meets the Managing Director of African Century Leasing: Stanley Matiza

Stan Matiza has been the Managing Director of African Century Leasing (ACL) since its inception in June 2010. ACL is…

11 years ago Meets the CEO of Sarit Centre: Nitin Shah

Nitin Shah has registered over thirty years as the chief operations executive of the Sarit Centre – the first enclosed…

11 years ago