
Christopher Colford: Speed Bumps Along the Road to Competitiveness

Egypt’s Self-Inflicted Limits on Economic Efficiency. It’s an axiom of economic policy: The future belongs to the efficient. In a…

11 years ago

From Germany to South Africa – The Oppenheimers: Diamonds Are Not Forever

“I’m a philistine.” Nicholas F Oppenheimer, worth some $6.5bn, is not likely to be spotted at a theatre or opera…

11 years ago

World Bank Group President Brings Hopeful Message to Middle East

Jim Yong Kim brings a message of optimism to Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Jordan in his first visit to those…

11 years ago

Tanzania Could Create Many New Jobs by Harnessing its Rapid Urban Expansion

Tanzania could create large numbers of new, productive jobs for its people, especially young men and women, if policy makers…

11 years ago

UN Reports FDI Hit $1.4 Trillion in 2013, Upward Trend to Continue

Global foreign direct investment is up and expected to rise over the next three years, driven mainly by stronger economies…

11 years ago

Measuring Wealth to Track Sustainability

The new edition of the World Bank's Little Green Data Book, released on World Environment Day 2014, includes a new…

11 years ago

African Leaders, Business Community Push for Financing of Priority Regional Infrastructure Projects

Across Sub-Saharan Africa, poor infrastructure is a major bottleneck for sustainable development Signaling a new push and renewed commitment, the…

11 years ago

UN Labour Report Shows Solid Return for National Investments in Quality Jobs

Developing countries that invested in quality jobs from the early 2000s grew nearly one percentage point faster every year since…

11 years ago

Otaviano Canuto, World Bank Group: Macroeconomics and Stagnation – Keynesian-Schumpeterian Wars

Policy makers in the advanced economies at the core of the global financial crisis can make the claim that they…

11 years ago

Booz & Company’s Ideation Center: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Middle East

One of the greatest challenges in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is to bring more women into the…

11 years ago