
AiYO: Best Financial Institutions Transformation Partner France 2020

In a fast-paced world where the dynamics of change often boggle the mind, businesses able to adapt quickly gain a…

5 years ago

Groupe Afflelou: Best Optical Retail Chain Europe 2018

Pardon the puns, but these eyesight experts with insightful innovation and a clear focus on marketing set the standard for…

6 years ago

Montpensier Finance: Best Multi-Asset Fund Manager France 2018

Set up in 2004 and today one of France's leading independent investment managing companies, Montpensier Finance has gained recognition —…

7 years ago

SIACI Saint Honoré: Best Insurance Brokerage France 2018

As one of France’s largest insurance brokers, SIACI Saint Honoré manages the entire risk chain using a holistic approach to…

7 years ago

Rothschild & Cie Gestion: Best Institutional Asset Manager Europe 2017

Rothschild & Cie Gestion continues to build on its existing success. Masters of not changing for changes sake Rothschild &…

7 years ago

COGEFI Gestion: Best Portfolio Management Team France 2017

One of France’s premier investment services providers, COGEFI maintains a wide range of mutual funds open to both domestic and…

7 years ago

Caisse de Refinancement de l’Habitat (CRH): Best Social Impact Finance France 2017

Set up in 1985 to refinance mortgages issued by commercial banks, the Caisse de Refinancement de l’Habitat (CRH) has become…

7 years ago

Banque de France: Best Central Bank Governance Europe 2016

The French pillar that supports the Eurosystem, the Banque de France plays a crucial role in contributing to preparing, implementing,…

8 years ago

NAWATechnologies: Best Nanostructure CleanTech Innovation Team Europe 2016

With businesses globally striving to minimise their environmental footprint and embracing sustainable practice, NAWATechnologies – home to fifteen years of…

8 years ago

Pharnext: Best Life-Sciences IPO France 2016

Pushing the boundaries of medical research, French biopharmaceutical company Pharnext specialises in the development of drugs that help treat neurodegenerative…

8 years ago