Schlumberger Nigeria: Best Sustainability Award 2014

10 years ago

In over forty countries, oilfield services company Schlumberger is actively engaged in promoting science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education…

Ak Investment: Best Institutional Broker Turkey

10 years ago

A boutique brokerage house packing an impressively big punch, Ak Investment helps institutional investors gain exposure to the buoyant Turkish…

Mercury Capital Advisors Group Best Fund Raising Team Global 2014

10 years ago

Mercury Capital Advisors Group have perfected flat management within the company, creating a team where everyone takes responsibility for their actions…

FxPro Financial Services is the 2014 Winner of the Award for ‘Best FX Execution, Global’

10 years ago

The panel comments that ‘FxPro offers slick, speedy and secure professional access to markets.  Their FX Agency model is exemplary…

HMC Capital Group: Best Capital Markets Boutique, Latin America, 2014

10 years ago

HMC, with offices in Brazil, Peru and Colombia - as well as home country Chile – is very well placed…

Morgan Stanley: Best Institutional Broker UAE

10 years ago

When the going gets tough, the likes of Morgan Stanley get, well, going. In a market besieged by a lack…

Pison Housing Company: Best Housing Finance Advisor Nigeria 2014

10 years ago

Emerging markets are exciting places to conduct business. However, the pitfalls are often almost as large as the rewards. This…

Three Times a Winner: SBM is Named Best Bank Mauritius, 2014

10 years ago

SBM Bank (Mauritius) Ltd has been named the country’s Best Bank for three consecutive years of the Banking Awards…

UBP Wins the Private Banking Award, UAE

10 years ago

Now that many of the global universal banks are returning to their core business and divesting of private banking interests,…

UBS: Best Green Bank Switzerland 2014

10 years ago

Picture a world in which large power plants spewing noxious fumes into the atmosphere have been made redundant and replaced…