Arca Fondi SGR is the longest-running asset manager in Italy, with one of the country’s largest distribution networks. It offers long-term investment opportunities in the Italian equity market through the Arca Economia Reale Equity Italy fund. The fund has been structured to be less reliant on global economic trends and more influenced by the specifics of selected securities. Arca Fondi has found that SMEs, such as those in the STAR and AIM indices, offer more balanced sector exposure with a weighted industrial component — where Italian small-cap companies typically shine. Industrial companies make up nearly a quarter of the fund, followed by healthcare, consumer staples, communication services and utilities. Arca manages the SME fund for sector diversification, aiming for the preservation of portfolio value in even the most turbulent market phases. The fund saw a sharp drop in March 2020, as the world began pandemic lockdown protocols — but over the past year, it has rebounded and emerged stronger than ever. Since inception, Arca Economia Reale compound returns have been above that of its benchmark. The fund has been assigned a five-star rating for performance, as well as an A-rating for cost. The judging panel has recognised Arca Fondi SGR in previous award programmes, and continues to find cause for recognition. The judges announce Arca Fondi SGR as winner of the 2021 award for Best SME Equity Fund (Italy).
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