Latin America

Molino Cañuelas: Best ESG Agribusiness Management Argentina 2017

Long considered the breadbasket of Latin America, if not the world, Argentina – now under new management – is once…

8 years ago

Fondo de Fondos: Best Private Equity Fund-of-Funds Asset Manager Mexico 2017

Unlocking the rather awesome power of private equity, Mexico’s Fondo de Fondos (Fund of Funds) combines a joint total of…

8 years ago

Pan American Energy: Most Responsible Energy Corporate Bond Issuer Latin America 2016

A veritable treasure chamber of natural resources, Argentina has embarked on a sustained drive to cash in on its mineral…

8 years ago

Maran Group: Best Industrial Park Mexico 2017

Solid economic growth and a marked improvement in business infrastructure have propelled Mexico to the very top amongst corporate host…

8 years ago

Grupo Elektra: Best Corporate Governance Mexico 2016

As poverty wanes, consumers clamour for mod-cons that add comfort to life and offer tangible proof of increased well-being. A…

8 years ago

Grupo Panamerican: Best Diversified Group Leadership Bolivia 2016

Operating in fourteen markets across Latin America and the Caribbean, Grupo Panamerican boasts no less than twenty years’ experience in…

8 years ago

Radix: Best Engineering IT Solutions Brazil 2017

Designing, implementing, and maintaining industrial strength and mission-critical digital systems, Brazilian tech company Radix is one of only a handful…

8 years ago

Costa Rican Investment & Development Board (CINDE): Best International High-Tech Investment Promotion Team Latin America 2016

Costa Rica is one of those countries that seldom grab the global headlines. This is, however, a good thing. A…

8 years ago

Bancomext: Best Trade Finance Bank Mexico 2016

Mexico’s Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior (Bancomext), founded in 1937, is one of the country’s principal trade facilitators. The bank…

8 years ago

Corporación Zona Franca Industrial de Santiago: Best Location Industrial Free Zone Caribbean 2016

The largest and one of the oldest free zones in the Dominican Republic, the Victor Espaillat Mera Industrial Park –…

8 years ago