Dropping cash into a till is so last century. Increasingly, consumers demand the convenience of cashless payment for smaller purchases,…
Worldwide, around 1.2 billion people are yet to be plugged into a dependable supply of electric power. Curiously, the countries…
Widely recognised as representing the gold standard of institutional investment banking in Spain, Inversis Banco offers its knowledge and experience…
Providing superpowers to repetitive and predictable workflows via tactical cognitive software allows companies to free-up valuable staff time in order…
One of the world’s most widely used open source database applications has found a safe and nurturing home in Oracle…
Deploying the power of innovation and mathematics, Pyramidal Technologies has revolutionised forensics by taking opinion out of the equation. The…
With businesses globally striving to minimise their environmental footprint and embracing sustainable practice, NAWATechnologies – home to fifteen years of…
Every investor or stakeholder in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) grapples with the same challenge: finding consistently reliable…
Considered as a reference in digital services industry in Africa, GAINDE 2000 is a pioneer in several fields in term…
At the forefront of innovation in healthcare technology, Royal Philips recently announced the launch of its high-performance IntelliSpace Universal Data…