
SN Power: Best ESG Renewable Energy Operations Emerging Markets 2016

Worldwide, around 1.2 billion people are yet to be plugged into a dependable supply of electric power. Curiously, the countries…

8 years ago

Inversis Banco: Best Banking Technology Innovator Spain 2016

Widely recognised as representing the gold standard of institutional investment banking in Spain, Inversis Banco offers its knowledge and experience…

8 years ago

Coseer: Best Intelligent Workflow Technology United States 2016

Providing superpowers to repetitive and predictable workflows via tactical cognitive software allows companies to free-up valuable staff time in order…

8 years ago

Raffles Dubai: Best Luxury Hospitality Leadership Middle East

Standing, proudly, at the apex of splendour and perpetuating the grandeur of a time almost lost, Raffles welcomes its overnight…

8 years ago

Oracle: Best Database Software Global

One of the world’s most widely used open source database applications has found a safe and nurturing home in Oracle…

8 years ago

eDreams ODIGEO: Best Online Travel Partner Global 2016

One of Europe’s largest and most-recognisable e-businesses, eDreams ODIGEO manages a number of premier brands that set the pace of…

8 years ago

Rolls-Royce: Best Luxury Heritage UK

Rolls-Royce is a brand synonymous with success; a British symbol of excellence and engineering offered only to the best of…

8 years ago

Tag Heuer: Best Watch Brand Switzerland

Tag Heuer means to watches what Jazz means to music; as timeless representatives of the Avante-Garde since their inception, they…

8 years ago

International Watch Company (IWC): Best CSR Switzerland

IWC watches offer a timeless product, seamlessly blending traditional skills and the latest in technology. Aimed squarely at upmarket clients…

8 years ago

Pyramidal Technologies: Best Forensic Technologies Global 2016

Deploying the power of innovation and mathematics, Pyramidal Technologies has revolutionised forensics by taking  opinion out of the equation. The…

8 years ago