Etihad Airways Technical Training (EYTT) part of Etihad Aviation Training (EAT) is at the forefront of using the world’s leading…
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (RDC), there are few companies with guiding principles to match those of Vodacom…
When Petro Rio acquired the Chevron Brasil Upstream Frade in March 2019, it also acquired a nearly 52 percent stake…
Malta — based B2B GAMING SERVICES was founded some 20 years ago as betting and gaming migrated to a dynamic…
Lockheed Martin understands missions of critical importance. From unlocking new energy sources to identifying potential threats, the global security and…
Egypt rests at the centre of the ancient world and the crossroads of the new, and Suez Industrial Development Company…
The Dammam West independent sewage treatment plant (ISTP), the first ISTP project in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), has…
Good ideas attract funding and faithful followers — and the clean-tech pioneer Heliatek has a great one. Heliatek was founded…
To achieve its vision of safe and smooth transport for all, Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) keeps a pulse…
Uruguay’s Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo (CND), founded in in 1985, is one of the country’s major economic drivers, funding and…