
Elekta: Most Innovative Life Sciences Leadership Europe 2019

Swedish company Elekta has pioneered the field of precision radiation medicine — and pledges to be around until cancer isn’t.…

5 years ago

EFG Asset Management: Best Fixed Income Fund Manager United Kingdom 2019

If the adage is true — that knowledge is power, and time is money — then an adept asset manager…

5 years ago

SID Bank: Best Regional Development Bank Southeast Europe 2019

As a fully government-owned investment and development financial institution, SID Bank takes a long-term approach to boosting the economic potential…

5 years ago

University of Antwerp: Most lnnovative Research lnstitution Europe 2019

The University of Antwerp fuels cutting-edge research with innovative educational offerings and collaborative partnerships. Over 20,000 students contribute to scientific…

5 years ago

UMR Corem: Best Mutual Pension Provider France 2019

Union Mutualiste Retraite (UMR) is a French Mutualist, a mutual grouping union, and a non-profit insurance organisation that promotes ethical…

5 years ago

Eccelsa Aviation: Best Private Aviation Terminal Operator Europe 2019

When people have passion for their work, near-perfection is a likely outcome. Located on the Italian island of Sardegna, Eccelsa…

5 years ago

Aston Martin Lagonda: Best ESG Manufacturing Strategy United Kingdom 2019

Power and prestige, intrigue and affluence — these are the symbols evoked by Aston Martin Lagonda, the iconic British luxury…

5 years ago

Max Burger: Best Sustainable Restaurant Chain Europe 2019

Max Burger was founded over 50 years ago in the far northern Swedish province of Lapland, and has made outstanding…

5 years ago

Fondo Pensione Nazionale: Best Pension Fund Governance Italy 2019

Fondo Pensione Nazionale safeguards the pensions of 31,000 families across Italy, and the team takes to heart its responsibility to…

5 years ago

Fondex: Best Technology Corporate Leadership Southern Europe 2019

Brokers are defined by their trading platform, and Cyprus-based Fondex boasts a powerhouse in cTrader. Fast execution and transparent reporting…

5 years ago