
Schlange & Co GmbH: Best CSR & Sustainability Consultancy Europe 2020

Founded in 2006, Schlange & Co (S&C) is home to an interdisciplinary team of 25 corporate and social responsibility consultants…

4 years ago

BankInvest: Best ESG Responsible Investor Denmark 2020

BankInvest has demonstrated wisdom and foresight over its 50-year history by focusing on sustainability to foster growth and create value…

4 years ago

Evenord-Bank eG-KG: Best Sustainable Regional Bank Germany 2020

A committed, courageous, and contrarian cooperative society, Germany’s Evenord-Bank plots its own course with waypoints firmly anchored in ethical principles.…

4 years ago

Energean: Best ESG Energy Growth Strategy Europe 2020

Committed to the sustainable development of energy resources along the Mediterranean and the North Sea, London-based Energean runs exploration, development…

4 years ago

Corticeira Amorim: Best Raw Materials Sustainability Europe 2020

If a new material were invented that captured up to 73kg of CO2 for every 1kg produced, it would probably…

4 years ago

Norvestor: Best Sustainable Equity Investor Nordics 2020

It is not merely a matter of employing ESG principles as a touchstone for investment decisions, but of continuously updating…

5 years ago

BLKB: Best Regional Sustainability Bank Switzerland 2020

BLKB (Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank) is Switzerland's most future-orientated bank. Six years ago, it changed its own investment offering to a completely…

5 years ago

SEB Group: Most ESG Responsible Banking Group Nordics 2020

Nordic financial services company SEB Group has been supporting ambitious entrepreneurs since 1856, through good times and bad. SEB has…

5 years ago

Kommuninvest: Best Sustainable ALM Strategy Europe 2020

Kommuninvest, a co-operative venture among Swedish municipalities seeking a competitive edge in capital markets, encapsulates the adage “together is better”.…

5 years ago

BBVA: Best Sustainable Bank Spain 2020

In its mission statement, Spanish multinational financial services company BBVA pledges to help customers improve their financial health and transition to a…

5 years ago