Corporate Governance

Myanmar Agribusiness Public Corporation: Best Corporate Governance in Agribusiness Southeast Asia 2016

Promoting food security and providing a strong impulse to the entire agricultural sector, the Myanmar Agribusiness Public Corporation (MAPCO) mobilises…

8 years ago

Compenswiss: Best Pension Fund Governance Switzerland 2016

The Swiss Compensation Funds (Fonds de compensation) comprise three entities that jointly manage the surplus monies of the country’s social…

8 years ago

Produbanco: Best Bank Governance Ecuador 2017

One of the largest banks in Ecuador, Banco de la Producción SA, Produbanco moved into its new corporate headquarters as…

8 years ago

African Risk Capacity: Most Innovative ESG Risk Protection Provider Africa 2017

African Risk Capacity (ARC), a specialised agency set up by the African Union, deploys high-tech to increase the continent’s food…

8 years ago

Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund Wins Three Awards for 2017

Best Practice Pension Funds South Africa 2017 Best Pension Fund Stakeholder Benefits South Africa 2017 Best Corporate Governance Pension Funds…

8 years ago

SpiceJet: Best Corporate Governance India 2017

The comeback kid of the airline industry, India’s SpiceJet soars high with eight consecutive profitable quarters and solid credibility with…

8 years ago

Grupo Elektra: Best Corporate Governance Mexico 2016

As poverty wanes, consumers clamour for mod-cons that add comfort to life and offer tangible proof of increased well-being. A…

8 years ago

Banque de France: Best Central Bank Governance Europe 2016

The French pillar that supports the Eurosystem, the Banque de France plays a crucial role in contributing to preparing, implementing,…

8 years ago

Afghan International Bank: Best Corporate Governance Afghanistan 2017

A reliable, efficient, and trusted partner to multilateral entities, businesses, and private individuals, Afghan International Bank (AIB) has gained a…

8 years ago

Barington Capital Group: Best Activist Investor Corporate Governance Team United States 2016

A value-oriented activist investor since early 2000, Barington Capital Group, L.P. invests in undervalued publicly-traded companies that it believes can…

8 years ago