Best Practice

Zurich Insurance Group: Best Sustainable Insurer Switzerland

At a glance, the insurance business seems to consist of the transfer and management of risk. Whilst straightforward when merely…

9 years ago

Fuchs Petrolub SE: Best ESG Leadership Germany

Fuchs, the world’s leading independent supplier of lubricants, not only excels in striving for sustainability within its products, but also…

9 years ago

Dunlop: Best ESG Corporate Citizen United States

Dunlop Tyres, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company’s high-end household brand, is becoming well-known for something other than tyres: it has…

9 years ago

Aksal Group: Best ESG Clothing Conglomerate North Africa 2016

Audacity in innovation and excellence in service: the corporate philosophy that guides Morocco’s AKSAL Group encapsulates a bold spirit. The…

9 years ago

Friesland Campina WAMCO: Best CSR Programmes West Africa 2015

Providing branded high-quality dairy products throughout Nigeria and West Africa, FrieslandCampina WAMCO is a market leader on a mission to…

9 years ago

IPAL: Best Corporate Governance Chile 2015

From pioneering the production of dehydrated foods in 1950s Chile, IPAL has blossomed into a diversified holding company with interests…

9 years ago

Max Myanmar Group: Best ESG Transparency Myanmar 2015

Established in 1993, the Max Myanmar Group started out in business importing machinery, equipment, and commercial vehicles from Japan. The…

9 years ago

Kuwait International Bank (KIB): Best Sharia-Compliant Bank Middle East 2015

In business since 1973, Kuwait International Bank (KIB, originally known as Kuwait Real Estate Bank) is a publically-traded Kuwaiti bank…

9 years ago

APC Securitization SA: Most Innovative Forestry Bond Issuer Global 2015

Investor interest in “alternatives” stands at an all-time high. In excess of $7.5 trillion has already been ploughed into non-traditional…

9 years ago

Asia Plantation Capital: Best Sustainable Forestry Management Team Global 2015

For all the trees it manages – around eight million – Asia Plantation Capital (APC) has not lost view of…

9 years ago